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2000 – Present

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1995 – 1999

  • Seely, Bruce E. “The other re‐engineering of engineering education, 1900–1965.” Journal of Engineering Education 88.3 (1999): 285-294. [Article]
  • Wohlin, Claes, and Björn Regnell. “Achieving industrial relevance in software engineering education.” Proceedings 12th conference on software engineering education and training (Cat. No. PR00131). IEEE, 1999. [Report]
  • Denton, Denice D. “Engineering education for the 21st century: Challenges and opportunities.” Journal of Engineering Education 87.1 (1998): 19-22.
  • Prados, John W. “Engineering Education in the United States: Past, Present, and Future.” (1998). [Report]
  • Bucciarelli, Louis L., and Sarah Kuhn. “Engineering education and engineering practice: Improving the fit.” Between craft and science: Technical work in US settings 210 (1997). [Report]
  • Klukken, P. Gary, J. Roger Parsons, and Peter J. Columbus. “The creative experience in engineering practice: Implications for engineering education.” Journal of Engineering Education 86.2 (1997): 133-138. [Article]
  • Kornecki, Andrew J., et al. “Strengthening software engineering education through academic-industry collaboration.” Proceedings Tenth Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training. IEEE, 1997. [Report]
  • Strickland, Donald E., Nirmala Kannankutty, and Robert P. Morgan. “Forging links between engineering education and industry: The research connection.” 1996 Annual Conference. 1996. [Report]
  • Tener, Robert K. “Industry-university partnerships for construction engineering education.” Journal of professional issues in engineering education and practice 122.4 (1996): 156-162. [Article]
  • Massay, Lorace L., Silvanus J. Udoka, and Bala Ram. “Industry-university partnerships: A model for engineering education in the 21st century.” Computers & Industrial Engineering 29.1-4 (1995): 77-81. [Article]

1990 – 1994

  • Bellamy, L. “Teams in Engineering Education.” (1994). [Report]
  • Black, Kent M. “An industry view of engineering education.” Journal of Engineering Education 83.1 (1994): 26-28. [Article]
  • Etter, Delores M., and Joseph Bordogna. “Engineering education for the 21st century.” Proceedings of ICASSP’94. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Vol. 6. IEEE, 1994: vi-33. [Article]
  • Jaraiedi, Majid, and David Ritz. “Total quality management applied to engineering education.” Quality Assurance in Education 2.1 (1994): 32-40. [Article]
  • Vanderburg, Willem H., and Namir Khan. “How well is engineering education incorporating societal issues?.” Journal of Engineering Education 83.4 (1994): 357-361. [Article]
  • Bordogna, Joseph, Eli Fromm, and Edward W. Ernst. “Engineering education: Innovation through integration.” Journal of Engineering Education 82.1 (1993): 3-8. [Article]
  • Lyons, William C., Peter C. Anselmo, and Robert G. Kuller. “Engineering education for competitive international economy.” Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice 119.4 (1993): 378-395. [Article]
  • Dixon, John R. “New goals for engineering education.” Mechanical Engineering 113.3 (1991): 56. [Article]
  • Hoole, S. Ratnajeevan H. “Engineering education, design and senior projects.” IEEE Transactions on Education 34.2 (1991): 193-198. [Article]
  • Sparkes, Prof John J. “Quality in engineering education.” International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life Long Learning 1.1 (1990): 18-32. [Article]

1985 – 1989

  • Kerr, Arnold D., and R. Byron Pipes. “Why we need hands-on engineering education.” MRS Bulletin 13.9 (1988): 23-28. [Article]
  • Bennett, A. Wayne. “A Position Paper on Guidelines for Electrical and Computer Engineering Education.” IEEE Transactions on Education 3 (1986): 175-177. [Article]
  • Garry, Fred W. “What Does Industry Need? A Business Look at Engineering Education.” Engineering Education 76.4 (1986): 203-5. [Article]
  • Smith, P. R., and D. Pollard. “The role of computer simulations in engineering education.” Computers & Education 10.3 (1986): 335-340. [Article]
  • Yang, Cary Y., et al. “Industry’s contributions to a quality engineering education.” IEEE Transactions on Education 2 (1986): 125-128. [Article]
  • Michel, Jean. “Higher education and industry: towards a new partnership for improving engineering education.” European Journal of Engineering Education 10.2 (1985): 149-154. [Article]
  • National Research Council, et al. Engineering education and practice in the United States: Engineering technology education. National Academies Press, 1985. [Book]
  • National Research Council. Engineering Education and Practice in the United States: Foundations of our techno-economic future. National Academies Press, 1985. Book]
  • Nilson, Lennart. “The university-industry interface in Swedish engineering education.” European Journal of Engineering Education 10.2 (1985): 155-158. [Article]
  • Suh, Nam P. “Challenges and Opportunities for Engineering Education: An NSF Perspective.” Engineering Education 76.1 (1985): 46-49. [Article]

1980 – 1984

  • McQuade, Eamonn, and Evan Petty. “Computers in engineering education.” European Journal of Engineering Education 9.2 (1984): 123-133. [Article]
  • Brown, A. F. “NDT in university engineering education.” NDT International 16.5 (1983): 260-262. [Article]
  • Muster, D., and W. H. Weekes. “The relevance of analysis and synthesis in management and engineering education.” Engineering Management International 1.4 (1983): 287-298. [Article]
  • Felder, Richard M. Does Engineering Education Have Anything to Do with Either One?: Toward a Systems Approach to Training Engineers. School of Engineering, North Carolina State University at Raleigh, 1982. [Book]
  • Bolton, B., et al. “Co-operative venture in electrical engineering education: establishing a rationale.” IEE Proceedings A (Physical Science, Measurement and Instrumentation, Management and Education, Reviews) 128.5 (1981): 377-383. [Article]
  • Robertson, Paul L. “Employers and engineering education in Britain and the United States, 1890–1914.” Business History 23.1 (1981): 42-58. [Article]
  • Albu, Austen. “British attitudes to engineering education: a historical perspective.” Technical Innovation and British Economic Performance: Science Policy Research Unit, Sussex. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1980. 67-87. [Article]
  • Balaraman, Shakuntala, and K. S. Venkatakrishnan. “Identifying Engineering Education goals and priorities for the future: an experiment with the Delphi technique.” Higher education 9.1 (1980): 53-67. [Article]
  • Giordano, Anthony B. “A critical update on graduate engineering education.” IEEE Transactions on Education 23.4 (1980): 184-187. [Article]
  • Grayson, Lawrence P. “A brief history of engineering education in the United States.” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 3 (1980): 373-392. [Article]

1975 – 1979

  • Wasserman, A. I., and Peter Freeman. “Software engineering education: Status and prospects.” Proceedings of the IEEE 66.8 (1978): 886-892. [Article]
  • Alexander, Daniel Edward. THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES. Washington State University, 1977. [Book]
  • Bayer, Hermann, and Peter Lawrence. “Engineering education and the status of industry.” European Journal of Engineering Education 2.3 (1977): 223-227. [Article]
  • McCollom, Kenneth A. “The impact of engineering technology programs on engineering and engineering education.” IEEE Transactions on Education 20.4 (1977): 162-165. [Article]
  • Boehm, Barry W. “Software Engineering Education: Some Industry Needs.” Software Engineering Education: Needs and Objectives. Proceedings of an Interface Workshop. Springer, New York, 1976. [Article]
  • Harrisberger, Lee. “Experiential Learning in Engineering Education.” (1976). [Report]
  • Ramamoorthy. “Computer science and engineering education.” IEEE Transactions on Computers 100.12 (1976): 1200-1206. [Article]
  • Terman, Frederick E. “A brief history of electrical engineering education.” Proceedings of the IEEE 64.9 (1976): 1399-1407. [Article]
  • Dwon, Larry. “Engineering education and accreditationߞAn ASEEߞECPD educator dominated system.” IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems 94.5 (1975): 1546-1568. [Article]
  • Pletta, Dan H. “Social science emphasis in engineering education.” Engineering Issues: Journal of Professional Activities 101.4 (1975): 509-519. [Article]

1970 – 1974

  • Maclay, William N., Charles I. Whitman, and Erwin F. Shrader. “The Role of Universities in Industrial Research: Science-Engineering Education for Industrial Research.” Research Management 17.5 (1974): 33-37. [Article]
  • Eisley, Joe. Engineering education and a lifetime of learning. No. NASA-CR-143253. 1974. [Book]
  • Wu, Jack. Analytical Model of Curriculum Development and Evaluation for Manufacturing Engineering Education Programs. Purdue University, 1973. [Book]
  • Van Valkenburg, Mac E. “Electrical engineering education in the US.” IEEE Transactions on Education 15.4 (1972): 240-244. [Article]
  • Church, Charles A. “A Nonacademic View of Continuing Engineering Education.” Journal of Continuing Education and Training 1.1 (1971): 65-71. [Article]
  • Walker, Eric A. “The major problems facing engineering education.” Proceedings of the IEEE 59.6 (1971): 823-828. [Article]
  • Skilling, H. H. “Historical perspective for electrical engineering education.” Proceedings of the IEEE 59.6 (1971): 828-833. [Article]
  • Fletcher, L. S., and C. E. Przirembel. “Multidisciplinary projects: a modern technique in engineering education.” (1971). [Report]
  • Glasford, Glenn M. “The focus of engineering education: the student, the profession, and society.” IEEE Transactions on Education 13.2 (1970): 65-69. [Article]
  • Percuoco, Alfonso. “Making engineering education” Active.” IEEE Transactions on Education 13.4 (1970): 200-204. [Article]

1965 – 1969

  • Balabanian, Norman. “The Essential Focus of Engineering Education-The Individual Student.” IEEE Transactions on Education 12.1 (1969): 1-3. [Article]
  • Landis, Fred. “Continuing engineering education- Who really needs it? What is the market for continuing education?.” CONTINUING ENG. STUDIES DIV., AM. SOC. FOR ENG. EDUC., 4TH ANN. CONF. No. NASA-CR-108942. 1969. [Article]
  • Forrester, Jay W. “Engineering education and practice in 2000.” Futures 1.5 (1969): 391-401. [Article]
  • De Simone, Daniel V. “Education for innovation.” IEEE Spectrum 5.1 (1968): 83-89. [Article]
  • Zelby, Leon W. “Engineering approach to engineering education.” IEEE Transactions on Education 11.2 (1968): 89-93. [Article]
  • Bern, Henry A. “Wanted: Educational engineers.” The Phi Delta Kappan 48.5 (1967): 230-236. [Article]
  • Brooks, Harvey. “Dilemmas of engineering education.” IEEE Spectrum 4.2 (1967): 89-91. [Article]
  • Fustik, Vangel, et al. “Curriculum Development in Engineering Education.” Journal of Information 11.3 (1967). [Article]
  • Weed, Herman R. “Trends in European engineering education.” IEEE Spectrum 3.3 (1966): 125-128. [Article]
  • Pierce, John R. “What Are We Doing to Engineering? By government support we are inadvertently alienating engineering education from the civilian economy.” Science 149.3682 (1965): 397-399. [Article]

1960 – 1964

  • Kimball, William P. “Engineering education and accreditation.” Journal of Petroleum Technology 16.03 (1964): 265-268. [Article]
  • Rittenhouse, J. W. “Engineering education at a crossroad.” IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems 83.8 (1964): 817-826. [Article]
  • Tompkins, Howard E. “Computer education.” Advances in Computers. Vol. 4. Elsevier, 1964. 135-168. [Article]
  • Brown, Gordon S. “New horizons in engineering education.” Daedalus (1962): 341-361. [Article]
  • Cotgrove, Stephen. “Education and occupation.” The British Journal of Sociology 13.1 (1962): 33-42. [Article]
  • Holbein, A. M. “I. The industrial and technological professions.” Journal of the Royal Society of Arts 110.5071 (1962): 465-481. [Article]
  • Smith, JF Downie. “Academic and Industrial Research.” Research Management 5.4 (1962): 257-275.
  • Weber, Earl M. A comparative study of industrial technology programs in American colleges and universities, with industrial arts teacher education and technical institute programs. The Pennsylvania State University, 1961. [Book]
  • Finn, James D. “Automation and education: III. Technology and the instructional process.” Audio Visual Communication Review (1960): 5-26. [Article]
  • McGivern, James Gregory. First Hundred Years of Engineering Education in the United States (1807-1907). Gonzaga University Press, 1960. [Book]

1955 – 1959

  • Ingram, S. B. “Education for the Age of Technology.” Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 49.9 (1959): 293-298. [Article]
  • Schwarzweller, Harry K. “Value Orientations in Educational and Occupational Choices.” Rural Sociology 24.3 (1959): 246. [Article]
  • Murphy, Glenn. “New demands on engineering education.” IRE transactions on education 1.4 (1958): 116-119. [Article]
  • Stewart, J. L. “Crisis in engineering education.” IRE transactions on education 1.2 (1958): 54-61. [Article]
  • Timoshenko, Stephen P. “The development of engineering education in Russia.” The Russian Review 15.3 (1956): 173-185. [Article]
  • Wolfle, Dael. “Education and new approaches to manpower.” Teachers College Record 57.5 (1956): 1-4. [Article]
  • Blauch, Lloyd E., ed. Education for the Professions. US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education, 1955. [Book]

1950 – 1954

  • Booker, H. G. “What is wrong with Engineering Education?.” Proceedings of the IRE 42.3 (1954): 513-513. [Article]
  • Turner, Edna May. Education of women for engineering in the United States, 1885-1952. New York University, 1954. [Book]
  • Brasted, F. Kenneth. A study of the extent, nature and problems of the relationships between industry and education in Connecticut during the first half of the twentieth century. New York University, 1953. [Book]
  • Saville, Thorndike. “Achievements in engineering education.” Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 118.2 (1953): 147-162. [Article]
  • Franklin, Marion E. A history of industrial education in Oklahoma up to 1950. The University of Oklahoma, 1952. [Book]
  • Prentis, H. W. “Liberal education for business and industry.” Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors (1915-1955) 38.3 (1952): 345-355. [Article]
  • Compton, Karl T. “Engineers.” Scientific American 185.3 (1951): 65-70. [Article]
  • Smith, Ewart. “The Critical Importance of Higher Technological Education in Relation to Productivity.” American Scientist 39.2 (1951): 274-286. [Article]
  • Bennett, E. M., and A. J. Drucker. “Engineering education: a study in motives.” Purdue University Studies in Higher Education 74 (1950): 1-8. [Article]
  • Foley, Louis. “On the Meaning of “Engineering.” Journal of Education 133.6 (1950): 170-173. [Book]

1900 – 1949

  • Anderson, Lewis Flint. History of manual and industrial school education. D. Appleton, 1926. [Book]
  • Moore, Bruce V. “Personnel selection of graduate engineers: The differentiation of apprentice engineers for training as salesmen, designers, and executives of production.” Psychological Monographs 30.5 (1921): i.
  • Link, Henry Charles. Education and industry. Macmillan, 1923. [Book]
  • Snedden, David. Vocational education. Macmillan, 1920. [Book]
  • Mann, Charles Riborg. A study of engineering education: prepared for the Joint committee on engineering education of the national engineering societies. No. 11. Merrymount Press, 1918. [Book]
  • Gilbreth, Frank Bunker, and Lillian Moller Gilbreth. Applied motion study: A collection of papers on the efficient method to industrial preparedness. Macmillan, 1917. [Book]
  • Cooke, Morris Llewellyn. Academic and industrial efficiency: A report to the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. No. 5-6. 1910. [Book]
  • Cushman, Lillian S. “A Report of the Second Annual Meeting of the National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education.” The Elementary School Teacher 9.5 (1909): 233-249. [Article]
  • Carlton, Frank Tracy. Education and industrial evolution. Macmillan, 1908. [Book]
  • Wright, Carroll Davidson. The apprenticeship system in its relation to industrial education. No. 6. US Government Printing Office, 1908. [Book]
  • Hammer, Michael. Beyond reengineering: How the process-centered organization is changing our work and our lives. 1900. [Book]
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